
We don’t make
the furniture.
You do.


  • Video
  • CTV
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Video, CTV, Broadcast,
Print, Environment,
Website, Video, CTV, Broadcast,
Print, In-Store, Environment, Website,
Video, CTV, Broadcast, Print

It’s hard telling the executive team and board of directors for a furniture
retailer that they’ll sell more sofas if they just stop trying to sell sofas.
They listened. It worked.

soft-core porn

The month "Afternoon Delight" launched, Boston Interiors sold more sofas than any other month in their history. Turns out, you can sell a lot of sofas by napping on one.

Earned Eyeballs

  • +700,000

    organic YouTube views

Homework Hack

This campaign didn't attempt to sell unrealistic perfection. It sold relatable moments. After all, if you're going to feel like an idiot sometimes, why not feel like an idiot at a beautiful table?